For the keyvisuals and social assets for the Westworld Alexa game, we focused on the specific hosts featured within the content and used the structure of the maze as a way of celebrating and elevating them as they go on their journey towards consciousness.
At the center of the forehead in the position of the third eye (in many spiritual traditions regarded as the gateway to a higher state of consciousness) is the base maze from the show, with linework that extends from the center and accentuates the whole face of the subject with a golden mask of maze structure. Then surrounding the host's head is a tonal continuation of that concentric maze that continues to build and fade out into the blackness of the background.
The conceptual aim of the key art is to reference the recurring theme in Westworld of consciousness as a journey inwards to the center of one's own mind, while also using the maze as a visual device to reinforce the idea that with sentience in a body that can never die, the conscious hosts transcend the potential of humanity and essentially become gods.
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Client: HBO
Role: Design
Chief Creative Officer: Menno Kluin
Executive Creative Directors: Sam Shepherd, Frank Cartagena
Creative Directors: Doug Murray, Andrew Hunter
Design Director: Brian Gartside
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