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I had the incredible honor of both designing and receiving the 2014 award cube for ADC Young Guns (YG12). The cube is solid 3.5" acrylic, laser-etched and registered across all sides at Deutsch, Inc. The front side of each cube carries YG12 branding, and as the cube is rotated the other sides are etched with an A, D, and C (containing ADC branding). The 31 cubes were then hand-polished before being handed out to the winners at the ADC on October 9, 2014.
In addition to the award cube, I designed a limited edition poster that was handed out to the winners, as well as the first 50 people to arrive at the YG12 Award Ceremony. The poster takes design cues from the cube itself, and is comprised of a stylized A, D, and C (containing ADC Branding). The posters were printed at Piggyback Letterpress in NYC.
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Client: Art Directors Club Young Guns
Role: Typography, Design, Illustration
Chief Creative Officer: Kerry Keenan
Executive Creative Director: Menno Kluin (YG6)
Design Director: Juan Carlos Pagan (YG11)
Senior Designer: Brian Gartside (YG12)
Director of Integrated Production: Joe Calabrese
Director of Creative Operations: John Bongiovanni
Senior Studio Artist: Thomas Eberhart
Photographer/Director of Photography: Simon Abrams
Senior Digital Imaging Artist: James Cullinane
Editor: Bryan Reisberg
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